Your parents love you but don’t know how to take care of you. Society considers you an outcast, so there is no opportunity. Even if you could go to a school, teachers are not trained to communicate with you. So, you hardly learn anything. And you lose hope.
Msandaka School Changes Everything
This is a special school in Moshi for deaf children like you. And your parents say you can go there. The first day, the teachers welcome you with open arms. You learn sign language and a whole new world opens up. For the first time you can actually communicate. And really learn things. And you’re making friends as well. They feel the same things that you feel, and have the same enthusiasm to learn and play. Now you can make something of your life. You have a future!
Helping to Build Lives Since 2001
Since its start in 2001, 250 speech and hearing-impaired children have studied here. Over 100 have already successfully completed their primary education through the seventh-grade level. Beginning with a single classroom and 13 students, the school now has 120 students.
With the support of the Lions Club of Moshi and folks like you with a heart, the school has grown to 14 classrooms, with a computer classroom. There are also 4 dormitories, a multi-purpose hall, 1 workshop, 3 staff houses, a kitchen, a steel food silo, a farm structure for cows and one for chickens.
Create a Dream
To help the students learn a profession, Msandaka has created a vocational center for the kids with the idea of training them in one of these six professions:
Arts & crafts
Information technology
The financial needs of the school are ongoing and include student clothing, food, medical care, teachers’ salaries, school maintenance and vocational tools.
You’ll be able to make a voluntary donation when you sign up on one of our treks.